Kinds of Chocolates - rohitrajwani

Tuesday 16 April 2019

Kinds of Chocolates

Have you really tried them ?

Kinds of chocolate and their composition..

 Dark Chocolate
Cocoa mass, Cocoa butter, sugar, (lecithin, vanillin or vanilla ). Good chocolate should contain at least 50% of cocoa solids. If it is less it is wrong and too sweet. Cocoa content vary between 35 - 99%.

Milk Chocolate
Cocoa mass, Cocoa butter, Sugar, Milk, (lecithin, vanillin or vanilla ). Good chocolate should contain at least 30% cocoa solids, usually between 14 -25% milk solids. Cocoa 18 - 55 %.

White chocolate
Cocoa butter, sugar, milk, (lecithin, vanillin or vanilla ). Good chocolate should contain at least 25% cocoa solids, 25% milk solids. Cocoa solids 18 -30%.

Compound Chocolate
Cocoa powder, vegetable fat, sugar, milk, (lecithin, vanillin ). This product does not too much to do with chocolate. There is no cocoa butter and usually very little of cocoa ( 1 to 10%) and doesn´t taste nice.

Flavored chocolate
Dark, milk or white chocolate flavored by coffee, mint, orange, banana, caramel, strawberry or rum aroma.

Aerated chocolate
Dark, milk or white chocolate with air bubbles.

Sugarfree chocolate
It doesn´t contain sugar but other sweeteners like aspartam, maltitol or fructose.